Licensing and Franchising

Our advice involves legal advice to our customers regarding tax laws and restrictive covenants that may affect their businesses. Similarly, we help them draw up contracts of technology that are acceptable to the company concerned and the government of Peru, if it is the case.

Usually we make sure that contracts are properly registered with the relevant authorities.

Industrial Property Our attorneys often work closely with commercial lawyers, to assist efficiently the needs of clients regarding licensing, franchising, technology transfer contracts and also offer advice on consumer protection, deceptive advertising or unauthorized or illegal representations.

Work of this survey when it comes to companies with large portfolio would mark

When our clients have a broad portfolio would mark, I do from time to time suggest an analysis of its brands to know the current status of each, more than anything if is being used properly or improperly, as often happens in some cases when advertising companies, motivated by their understandable desire for creativity, make changes to the mark and not strictly according to how they were granted, thus jeopardizing the stability of the mark, then any change is a new brand, and possible risk of order cancellation by third parties, can not be established using a different brand recorded.

This analysis-with the most fee-tight as possible is very useful to remedy any mistakes, avoid cancellations, remove marks not be used to offer for sale and those considered relevant, as the case.